Tyranny of Dragons – Moving On | Episode 08

In this gripping episode of Tyranny of Dragons, our brave heroes grapple with the aftermath of a devastating battle. The loss of Artorius, a valiant companion, weighs heavily on their hearts, while Aegis remains in the clutches of the Cult of the Dragon.

As they retreat to the familiar village of Greenest to lick their wounds, our adventurers must confront the harsh reality of their situation. Questions loom large: How can they rescue Aegis from the clutches of the cultists? What secrets does the cult hold, and what sinister plans are afoot? These pressing matters demand their attention.

Yet, amidst the darkness, glimmers of hope emerge. Bonds between the remaining heroes strengthen as they seek solace and healing in Greenest. New allies may be found, and old ones may re-emerge to aid in their quest against the Cult of the Dragon.

In “Moving On,” the heroes must find the resolve to press forward despite their losses. Together, they must strategize, regroup, and prepare for the challenges that lie ahead. Join us for this pivotal chapter in the epic tale of “Tyranny of Dragons.”

Final Boss Fight Plays - Tyranny of Dragons - Dungeons and Dragons
Final Boss Fight Plays – Tyranny of Dragons – Dungeons and Dragons
Tyranny of Dragons – Moving On | Episode 08
